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与Renee Smith,注册护士,MSN,居家护理执行董事的13个问题


有很多很好的理由让你追随父母的脚步. 找一个能直接告诉你工作细节的人, and what it takes to get your foot in the door, or how to move up the ladder. For Renee Smith, RN, MSN and Executive Director of In-Home Care at Day Kimball Hospital, that’s just the way it happened. Renee’s mother, Elizabeth, 是戴·金博尔家庭护理部门的一名护士,并招募了她的女儿加入她的行列. 蕾妮接受了母亲的建议,于1997年加入戴金博尔家庭护理中心,担任初级护理护士, 她和她母亲一起在田里工作了几年,直到她母亲退休.

So it would seem natural for Renee’s daughter Rachael, 21, to choose to follow in her mother’s footsteps too. And she has, but it’s not what you might think. “她不想和体液有任何关系,也不想在公司工作!” Renee laughed. 瑞秋选择了一条不太传统的道路,她没有从事医学事业, as her mother and grandmother did, 最近从约翰逊大学毕业后搬到了洛杉矶 & 威尔士大学去追求她在音乐行业的职业梦想! 那么,这和那句老话“有其母必有其女”有什么关系呢?”

You see, Renee is deeply passionate about music too, and just attended Revolution Rock, an all-day rock festival, at Foxwoods Resort and Casino with her husband, Brian. 但她对音乐的热爱在很久以前就开始了,那时她和女儿差不多大.

那是80年代中期,高中毕业后的那个夏天,即将进入大学. Renee, a self-proclaimed “hipster,收拾好行李,出发去参加感恩而死乐队的夏季巡演, a band she has continued to follow for the last 3 decades. 那年夏天,蕾妮跟随乐队走遍了全国, 她回忆起他们在红石露天剧场举办的最喜欢的演出, just outside of Denver, Colorado. “那是我当时离家最远的一次旅行. I absolutely loved the mountains and scenery. 他们的节目总是那么有趣和无忧无虑,每个人都很友好和和平. 有这样一种社区意识,我立即与在我旁边跳舞的人成为朋友!” she said.

蕾妮回到家乡,继续在康涅狄格大学就读, where she remained on the Dean’s List, despite her frequent road trips to tour with the Dead. 她仍然尽可能多地参加感恩而死乐队的演唱会, 最近的一次是去年夏天和她的朋友克里西在波士顿芬威公园看了两场演出.

继续往下读,了解更多关于医疗保健和摇滚乐的遗产是如何延续下去的, in this edition of 13 Questions with Renee Smith...

1. I grew up in: Killingly, CT. 毕业于杀灵高中和康涅狄格大学护理学院.

2. Who’s on your playlist? Everything from Justin Bieber to Disturbed. 我最近订阅了Apple Music,我很喜欢它,因为我对音乐的品味五花八门! 

3. What’s your favorite movie? Anything by M. 夜沙马兰......《国外正规买球app官方版下载》、《国内买球的正规网站有哪些》、《国内买球的正规网站有哪些》、《国外正规买球app官方版下载》…….. I love them all. Even after seeing so much of his work, 不知何故,我仍然迷失在故事的叙述中,从来没有看到令人兴奋的情节转折,在最后把一切都颠倒过来.  

4. What’s your favorite color? Purple

5. What was the last thing you read? 除了社交媒体帖子或电子邮件,那就是《国内买球的正规网站有哪些》杂志. 我妈妈订阅了一份报纸,每次她来看我的时候都会给我带来一大堆. Even though I’m usually about a month behind, 我仍然喜欢阅读所有的故事,看看好莱坞时尚的注意事项.

6. Who is your hero? Anyone who devotes their life to rescuing animals. I follow an endless list of rescue groups on Facebook, 我看了很多前后对比的视频,这些视频展示了一点点爱和关注是如何彻底改变被遗弃和受虐待动物的生活的, along with the lives of the humans who adopt them!

7. Pets or no pets? (name them, if so.) Dogs!!!!! 我们从另一个家庭收养了一只12岁的西施犬,名叫Opie, and a 6 year old Pitty Mix named Tucker, that we rescued from a shelter in Georgia.

8. Name something on your bucket list. To visit Italy, Spain, or Greece, or even better….all three in one nice, long, trip!!!!

9. What’s your “go-to” comfort food? 晚餐吃披萨或意大利面,甜点吃冰淇淋或任何巧克力.

10. Smartphone, tablet or desktop? iPad and iPhone. I have both with me constantly. 在过去的一年里,我越来越依赖于“读者”, I’d love to have an iPhone the size of my iPad!

11. People would be surprised to know that I: Have seen the Grateful Dead over 100 times. 最近的一次是今年7月,我在芬威公园看了他们两晚. 我的几个老朋友从全国各地赶来观看演出, 我们像三十年前一样回忆往事,跳舞,玩得很开心!

12. 你目前关注的健康问题是什么(就你个人而言)?? 从我记事起,有规律的锻炼就是我日常生活的一部分, 多年来,教学或获得与健身相关的“认证”一直在我的遗愿清单上. This past January, 我最终决定做点什么,并参加了个人培训认证课程,并于8月份成功完成. Also this year, 我获得了教授TRX悬吊训练和磅健身的认证, a cardio and strength workout inspired by drumming. 如果你碰巧在工作日晚上或周末在黑尔基督教青年会和青年中心, 你可能会看到我和我的庞德Posse在集体健身房里摇摆!

13. What’s your favorite place in Northeast Connecticut? Our corner of the state is so beautiful; it’s hard to choose just one spot. 如果一定要选的话,我可能会选我家后院. 我特别喜欢花时间在露台上或玩玉米洞游戏, 这个游戏最近成了我们全家的最爱. 

Top Left: Renee with friend, Chrissy at a Grateful Dead concert
Top Right: Renee with daughter, Rachael in Los Angeles
右下:蕾妮在女儿瑞秋从约翰逊大学毕业典礼上 & Wales University, with son, Jacob


Related Resources

Integrated Care: In-Home Care
In-Home Care: Day Kimball HomeCare
In-Home Care: Day Kimball HomeMakers
In-Home Care: Hospice & Palliative Care of Northeastern Connecticut


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